Our rigorous process not only enables us to increase the possibility of achieving a pregnancy, but also that the baby will be completely healthy

Our donors
At BIOKIBANK we use a rigorous 4-stage process to select our donors; this makes it possible to know our donors physically and psychologically. We comply with the health regulations on donor qualification, we incorporate the recommendations of national and international scientific associations and we promote the continuous improvement of our selection protocol at all stages by implementing new tests, analyses, questionnaires and techniques in the different interviews during the selection process.
01. In-person informative meeting
- The BIOKIBANK team provides candidates with all documentation in writing to ensure they understand and are familiar with all the requirements for being a donor, the stages they must pass, the legislation that protects them, the transcendence of their activity as a future donor, the changes to their private life, the communication of any change in their medical and sex life and their strict commitment to BIOKIBANK.
02. Seminogram
- During the second appointment, the BIOKIBANK team will conduct a full seminogram analysing parameters such as the sperm concentration, mobility, pH, appearance, morphology, liquefaction, viscosity and other characteristics that enable us to test the quality of the samples to verify that they meet our requirements.
03. Freezing
- A freeze test is conducted to check the survival and motility of the sperm after thawing.
04. Analyses and medical history
a) Analyses: extensive, very rigorous panel of analytical tests. At BIOKIBANK we aim to rule out any possible infections the donor candidate may have, so we conduct a battery of tests that go beyond those considered in the legislation such as the absence of coronavirus or MRSA-CoV-2 infection, genetic screening test or carrier screening panel to meet the SEF and ASEBIR recommendations and avoid inherited risks. We share the HLAC typing of all our donors for patients with immunological incompatibilities, a FISH Screening of the 23 chromosomes is conducted to protect against any aneuploidy and, by conducting the COMET assay, we prevent possible damage to the double-strand DNA or single-strand fragmentation..
b) Medical history: physical examination and psychological test. Our Medical Director will conduct an examination of each candidate with the purpose of finding any possible anomalies that would indicate any kind of pathologies, malformations or other health problems. After this, a final interview is carried out along with an extensive and meticulous psychological test to detect any type of psychiatric alterations or disorders associated with any psychological illness or instability.
Once the candidate becomes a donor, BIOKIBANK continues to conduct regular serological and microbiological checks, to prevent any risk of infection or modification of physical characteristics, and interviews to avoid psychological disorders in the donor.