Do you want to be a donor?
In less than a month you can become a semen donor and help other people to fulfil their dream.
Why donate?
By becoming a donor, you'll be giving your best, your solidarity. And not only that, you'll also feel you're receiving much more than you give: the satisfaction of knowing you're helping a mother or father fulfil their most valuable dream.
The World Health Organisation estimates that 50 million couples in the world cannot have children and have to resort to fertility technologies.

What is donation?
Donation is a voluntary, anonymous and confidential act in which a man decides to donate his sperm to allow a woman or couple to be parents via assisted reproduction techniques.
Each donation is economically compensated for the expenses and inconvenience caused.
How can you donate?
In less than a month you can become a semen donor and help other people to fulfil their dream.
The process consists of three stages:
Informative meeting, in which the BIOKIBANK team will tell you everything you need to know about semen donation, so you are fully informed.
Assessment of semen quality, in which sperm count, mobility, morphology and other characteristics are analysed.
Semen freezing test, which studies whether sperm quality is maintained after freezing the sample in liquid nitrogen at -196ºC.
Now you're a donor! Now what?
You'll start donating periodically. You can decide the time and frequency to suit your personal and work life.

Who can be a semen donor?
Any healthy man, from 18 to 35 years of age, with full capacity to exercise his rights, who does not suffer from any genetic or infectious disease that could be transmitted to offspring.
Is donation anonymous?
Yes, fully anonymous, as stipulated by law. BIOKIBANK guarantees the confidentiality of your data. Also, as a donor you are not given information on the destination of your samples, except if they are used for research projects. In this case you will be informed and we will again request express consent.
Is there some kind of economic compensation?
Donation is voluntary; it is not for profit. BIOKIBANK will compensate you for the inconvenience and expenses caused for each donation made.
How often will I donate?
You can donate once a week or as often as you choose, until you decide to stop the process, within the provisions of the law.
Can I collect the sample at home?
The law does not allow us to collect samples that have not been donated on our premises. BIOKIBANK provides a private space with material to facilitate stimulation.
Can I have sexual relations?
Of course, while you are a donor you can have natural sexual relations. We just ask you to observe a period of sexual abstinence of 3 days.
Are analytical tests conducted?
The selection process is very straightforward and the analytical tests conducted are those set out by the law to guarantee safety and success for the receiving couple or woman.
Do I need any treatment with medicines or any surgical operation?
No, none at all. Donating is as straightforward as ejaculating into the container we provide.
What's the difference between being a candidate and a donor?
Candidates are everyone who decides to donate semen and starts the selection process. You'll become a donor once you pass the donation process and we consider you suitable.
Legal aspects to be taken into account
more info.Do you want to find out more?
If you have further questions, contact us using this form.
We will be delighted to help.